Friday, September 21, 2018

Dancing to Ella and Louis with the rain

This is one of those perfect moments after a a one minute at a time day.

Dancing in my cleaned up living room to Louis Armstrong & Ella Fitzgerald, to the sound of steady rain outside.

I can dance in it because I can see the floor. It now looks like my bedroom. Only beautiful, inspiring things. No paper clutter, no random junk, no trash and no spouse. I would prefer to have the spouse back, but he is just traveling.

Its filled with our rock collection, artfully displayed (still in progress), pictures the kids drew at various periods, my paintings, and some other artwork.

I took down a lot of the religious pieces. They were somber colors, tired and old looking, because they are old. I love the ancient, time traveled pieces, but now is now. I will pop them in my closet and smile. Maybe eventually they will be recycled for someone else to love.

Right now, I will just dance - I hope you are in a place where you can dance, with yourself, to whatever music strikes your fancy. Some nights are just dancing nights.

Just for tonight, I will dance. 

It doesn't matter what tomorrow holds, yesterday is gone, now is the time to love, live, laugh, dream and DANCE!

"For all that has been, thanks, for all that will be YES." - Dag Hammarskjold.

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